AtomQT is dedicated to propelling Europe to the forefront of the Second Quantum Revolution. The mission of AtomQT is to establish an extensive network of expert groups specializing in cold-atom quantum physics. This network will serve as a catalyst, accelerating the swift development and commercialization of quantum technology grounded in ultra-cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates.
The overarching vision is to position Europe as a leader in both fundamental research and the creation of practical, commercial products leveraging the unique quantum mechanical properties of cold atomic ensembles. This strategic focus is poised to result in groundbreaking advancements across various domains, including metrology, cryptography, communications, computation, biology, and geology. AtomQT is committed to driving this progress by offering a pivotal platform for information exchange and research coordination, thereby acting as a catalyst for the burgeoning quantum industry.
A key priority for the AtomQT network is outreach. By educating the general public and providing information to policymakers, decision-makers, and international regulatory bodies, AtomQT aims to significantly facilitate the advancement of the Second Quantum Revolution and ensure its long-term sustainability.